On Thursday morning we had our discussion about 360 reviews. Jake was the discussion leader and he was reading some 360 review done by a variety of heroes in session one, he then asked us to rate them and what we decided pretty much became the criteria. Jake then challenged us to each write ten 360’s one for each of your squad members and then other fellow travelers in the studio.
This week we came into the studio on Monday, ready for a fresh start and a new session. That Monday we had quest launch, it was about zoology. Jake was asking us many different questions to build on the topic, but the main question was “There is a big zoo and it saves five hundred animals per year, however when they had their animal shows every day they did some questionable methods for how they treated their animals. Jake then said. On the other hand their is a small non-profit organization that treats their animals very well and with respect but they only save about ten animals per year.” Jake proceeded to ask us which organization we would work at. That was a heated discussion for some people and I am sure your hero would love to tell you about it.
Monday morning we talked about all 5 senses, and talked about Daniel Kish who is blind and uses echolocation to bike ride and hike. Heroes have been working really hard Monday, here are some photos of them working.
This week in quest we have been working on making flyingers, researching animals and zoologists. Monday we made flyers or letters about zoologists that we are inspired by. This is a heroes flyer for Steve Irwin. Wednesday we worked on fact sheets for our animals that will be shown at exhibition so parents can see the facts.
Learning can happen alone in a quiet spot or a nice sunny spot. It happens with a partner. It even happens when a group of Hero’s create there own rules to an unknown game. They were challenged to figure a way to play and then we could discover the rules of the game if they wanted to. Imagine the creativity that took place coming up rules to play a game like this! Learning happens all around us. Love of learning is fostered like this.
This week the hero of the week is Andrew. We have noticed he has been working hard and also having fun with his friends.