(Year 5 Week 32) — Written by: Gwen and Adri
This week in quest we have been working on making flyingers, researching animals and zoologists. Monday we made flyers or letters about zoologists that we are inspired by. This is a heroes flyer for Steve Irwin. Wednesday we worked on fact sheets for our animals that will be shown at exhibition so parents can see the facts.
How we track our progress in quest we have a white board that we check of every time a challenge is done. Friday all the squad leaders went to the stores with Jake to get stuff for the enrichment items.
Hero of the week is Ava Matson. We have noticed that Ava has been working really hard and being intentional while still having fun with her friends.
A lot of our heroes this week have been hardworking, here are some photos of them working.
This Tuesday Gwen led the launch about Sharing and Caring. This Thursday Adelaide led the launch about Writing. Friday we had a launch at 11:00 and heroes shared there weekly writing challenge.
This Friday we went outside instead of doing quest and we played water balloon capture the flag.
Written by: Gwen and Adri
Some other fun moments of the week:
Lots of great learning this week. Wonderful to see what learners choose to do when set free to take on meaningful work while developing the habits of life-long learning.